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Vehicular Electronics.
One of the most popular areas of kit building are the Electronic Kits for Cars. There are a multitude of kits available for avid car and electronics nuts to build ranging from the very simple ones such as a “Headlight Reminder” that may save you the embarrassment and hassle of a flat battery to the more complex such as a “Fuel Mixture Monitor”.
Almost any kit can be used but the most important consideration in building Electronic Kits for Cars is that the kit you are building actually runs of 12volts (or 24volts for a truck) I know of many standard projects that can also be used on the road and not just at home. Kits such as sub-woofer crossovers are equally at home in both locations and can save you big bikkies over the commercially available units sold in car sound shops.
Another popular type of kit is the car alarm, if you own an earlier model car not factory fitted with an alarm this can be a great kit to build to protect your “wheels”, also the fact that you have installed it yourself means that would be thieves who know how all the well known brands can be defeated are going to have a difficult time in working out just how to get around your unit and will probably go looking for easier prey. My Celica survived because of this very thing, they had no idea how to defeat my “Home Brew” set up and as soon as they tripped it they took off and left my car in their dust, with half the street looking out their windows.
If you own a Turbo-charged vehicle a very handy Electronic Kit for Cars to build is a “Turbo Timer” this allows the engine to remain running whilst the Turbo charger slows down to an acceptable speed before it is shut off saving on potential damage and wear for lack of oil to the bearings if the engine is shut down too quickly.
So if you are a “Petrol Head” like me or you have one as a friend or relative there are a range of kits you might like to build as great gift ideas.